Function | Description |
BreakString | Finds the first "argument" in a string; either a set of space terminated characters, or a fully quoted string. After the argument is found, whitespace is read until the next portion of the string is reached. If nothing remains, -1 is returned. Otherwise, the index to the first character is returned. |
CharToLower | Converts an uppercase character to its lowercase counterpart. |
CharToUpper | Converts a lowercase character to its uppercase counterpart. |
ExplodeString | Breaks a string into pieces and stores each piece into an array of buffers. |
FindCharInString | Finds the first occurrence of a character in a string. |
FloatToString | Converts a floating point number to a string. |
Format | Formats a string according to the SourceMod format rules (see documentation). |
FormatEx | Formats a string according to the SourceMod format rules (see documentation). |
GetCharBytes | Returns the number of bytes a character is using. This is for multi-byte characters (UTF-8). For normal ASCII characters, this will return 1. |
ImplodeStrings | Joins an array of strings into one string, with a "join" string inserted in between each given string. This function complements ExplodeString. |
Int64ToString | Converts a 64-bit integer to a string. |
IntToString | Converts an integer to a string. |
IsCharAlpha | Returns whether a character is an ASCII alphabet character. |
IsCharLower | Returns whether an alphabetic character is lowercase. |
IsCharMB | Returns if a character is multi-byte or not. |
IsCharNumeric | Returns whether a character is numeric. |
IsCharSpace | Returns whether a character is whitespace. |
IsCharUpper | Returns whether an alphabetic character is uppercase. |
ReplaceString | Given a string, replaces all occurrences of a search string with a replacement string. |
ReplaceStringEx | Given a string, replaces the first occurrence of a search string with a replacement string. |
SplitString | Returns text in a string up until a certain character sequence is reached. |
StrBreak | |
StrCat | Concatenates one string onto another. |
strcmp | Compares two strings lexographically. |
StrCompare | |
StrContains | Tests whether a string is found inside another string. |
strcopy | |
StrEqual | Returns whether two strings are equal. |
StringToFloat | Converts a string to a floating point number. |
StringToFloatEx | Converts a string to a floating point number with some more options. |
StringToInt | Converts a string to an integer. |
StringToInt64 | Converts a string to a 64-bit integer. |
StringToIntEx | Converts a string to an integer with some more options. |
StripQuotes | Strips a quote pair off a string if it exists. That is, the following replace rule is applied once: ^"(.*)"$ -> ^\1$ |
strlen | Calculates the length of a string. |
strncmp | Compares two strings parts lexographically. |
TrimString | Removes whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string. |
VFormat | Formats a string according to the SourceMod format rules (see documentation). |
This documentation was generated automatically using pawn-docgen written by xPaw for AlliedMods.