Function | Description |
ActivateEntity | Activates an entity (CBaseAnimating::Activate) |
CreateEntityByName | Creates an entity by string name, but does not spawn it (see DispatchSpawn). If ForceEdictIndex is not -1, then it will use the edict by that index. If the index is invalid or there is already an edict using that index, it will error out. |
DispatchKeyValue | Dispatches a KeyValue into given entity using a string value. |
DispatchKeyValueFloat | Dispatches a KeyValue into given entity using a floating point value. |
DispatchKeyValueInt | Dispatches a KeyValue into given entity using an integer value. |
DispatchKeyValueVector | Dispatches a KeyValue into given entity using a vector value. |
DispatchSpawn | Spawns an entity into the game. |
EntityCollisionRulesChanged | Recaculates entity collision rules (CBaseEntity::CollisionRulesChanged). |
EquipPlayerWeapon | Equip's a player's weapon. |
ExtinguishEntity | Extinguishes an entity that is on fire. |
FindEntityByClassname | Searches for an entity by classname. |
ForcePlayerSuicide | Forces a player to commit suicide. |
GetClientAimTarget | Returns the entity a client is aiming at. |
GetClientEyeAngles | Returns the client's eye angles. |
GetEntityAttachment | Returns the world location and world angles of an attachment. |
GetPlayerDecalFile | Retrieves the decal file name associated with a given client. |
GetPlayerJingleFile | Retrieves the jingle file name associated with a given client. |
GetPlayerWeaponSlot | Returns the weapon in a player's slot. |
GetServerNetStats | Returns the average server network traffic in bytes/sec. |
GetTeamClientCount | Retrieves the number of players in a certain team. Note: This native should not be called before OnMapStart. |
GetTeamCount | Returns the total number of teams in a game. Note: This native should not be called before OnMapStart. |
GetTeamEntity | Returns the entity index of a team. |
GetTeamName | Retrieves the team name based on a team index. Note: This native should not be called before OnMapStart. |
GetTeamScore | Returns the score of a team based on a team index. Note: This native should not be called before OnMapStart. |
GivePlayerAmmo | Gives ammo of a certain type to a player. This natives obeys the maximum amount of ammo a player can carry per ammo type. |
GivePlayerItem | Gives a named item to a player. |
IgniteEntity | Ignites an entity on fire. |
LookupEntityAttachment | Returns the index number of a given named attachment. |
RemovePlayerItem | Removes a player's item. |
SetClientInfo | Sets values to client info buffer keys and notifies the engine of the change. The change does not get propagated to mods until the next frame. |
SetClientName | Changes a client's name. |
SetEntityCollisionGroup | Changes an entity's collision group (CBaseEntity::SetCollisionGroup). |
SetEntityModel | Sets the model to a given entity. |
SetEntityOwner | Sets an entity's owner (CBaseEntity::SetEntityOwner). |
SetTeamScore | Sets the score of a team based on a team index. Note: This native should not be called before OnMapStart. |
SlapPlayer | Slaps a player in a random direction. |
TeleportEntity | Teleports an entity. |
This documentation was generated automatically using pawn-docgen written by xPaw for AlliedMods.