Enum | Description |
CSRoundEndReason | |
CSWeaponID |
Function | Description |
CS_OnBuyCommand | Called when a player attempts to purchase an item. Return Plugin_Continue to allow the purchase or return a higher action to deny. |
CS_OnCSWeaponDrop | Called when CSWeaponDrop is called Return Plugin_Continue to allow the call or return a higher action to block. |
CS_OnGetWeaponPrice | Called when game retrieves a weapon's price for a player. Return Plugin_Continue to use default value or return a higher action to use a newly-set price. |
CS_OnTerminateRound | Called when TerminateRound is called. Return Plugin_Continue to ignore, return Plugin_Changed to continue, using the given delay and reason, or return Plugin_Handled or a higher action to block TerminateRound from firing. |
Function | Description |
CS_AliasToWeaponID | Gets a weaponID from a alias |
CS_DropWeapon | Forces a player to drop or toss their weapon |
CS_GetClientAssists | Gets a client's assists (CS:GO only) |
CS_GetClientClanTag | Gets a clients clan tag |
CS_GetClientContributionScore | Gets a client's contribution score (CS:GO only) |
CS_GetMVPCount | Gets a client's mvp count |
CS_GetTeamScore | Gets a team's score |
CS_GetTranslatedWeaponAlias | Gets a weapon name from a weapon alias |
CS_GetWeaponPrice | Gets a weapon's price |
CS_IsValidWeaponID | Returns weather a WeaponID is valid on the current mod (css or csgo) |
CS_ItemDefIndexToID | Returns a CSWeaponID equivalent based on the item definition index. |
CS_RespawnPlayer | Respawns a player. |
CS_SetClientAssists | Sets a client's assists (CS:GO only) |
CS_SetClientClanTag | Sets a clients clan tag |
CS_SetClientContributionScore | Sets a client's contribution score (CS:GO only) |
CS_SetMVPCount | Sets a client's mvp count |
CS_SetTeamScore | Sets a team's score |
CS_SwitchTeam | Switches the player's team. |
CS_TerminateRound | Forces round to end with a reason |
CS_UpdateClientModel | Sets a player's model based on their current class |
CS_WeaponIDToAlias | Gets a alias from a weaponID |
CS_WeaponIDToItemDefIndex | Returns a item definition index equivalent based on the CSWeaponID. |
CS_WeaponIDToLoadoutSlot | Returns the loadout slot based on the CSWeaponID. (CS:GO only) |
__ext_cstrike_SetNTVOptional |
This documentation was generated automatically using pawn-docgen written by xPaw for AlliedMods.