Hook function types for events.
function Action(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
Called when a game event is fired.
Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
String containing the name of the event.
True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise. May not correspond to the real value. Use the property BroadcastDisabled.
Ignored for post hooks. Plugin_Handled will block event if hooked as pre.
function void(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
Called when a game event is fired.
Handle to event. This could be INVALID_HANDLE if every plugin hooking this event has set the hook mode EventHookMode_PostNoCopy.
String containing the name of the event.
True if event was not broadcast to clients, false otherwise.
This documentation was generated automatically using pawn-docgen written by xPaw for AlliedMods.