Function | Description |
ArcCosine | Returns the arccosine of the input value. |
ArcSine | Returns the arcsine of the input value. |
ArcTangent | Returns the arctangent of the input value. |
ArcTangent2 | Returns the arctangent2 of the input values. |
Cosine | Returns the cosine of the argument. |
DegToRad | Converts degrees to radians. |
Exponential | Returns the value of raising the input by e. |
FloatAbs | Returns an absolute value. |
FloatAdd | |
FloatCompare | Compares two floats. |
FloatDiv | |
FloatFraction | Returns the decimal part of a float. |
FloatMod | |
FloatMul | |
FloatSub | |
GetURandomFloat | Returns a uniform random float in the range [0, 1). |
GetURandomInt | Returns a random integer in the range [0, 2^31-1]. |
Logarithm | Returns the logarithm of any base specified. |
Pow | Returns the value raised to the power of the exponent. |
RadToDeg | Converts radians to degrees. |
RoundFloat | Rounds a floating point number using the "round to nearest" algorithm. |
RoundToCeil | Rounds a float to the next highest integer value. |
RoundToFloor | Rounds a float to the next lowest integer value. |
RoundToNearest | Standard IEEE rounding. |
RoundToZero | Rounds a float to the closest integer to zero. |
SetURandomSeed | Seeds a plugin's uniform random number stream. This is done automatically, so normally it is totally unnecessary to call this. |
SetURandomSeedSimple | Seeds a plugin's uniform random number stream. This is done automatically, so normally it is totally unnecessary to call this. |
Sine | Returns the sine of the argument. |
SquareRoot | Returns the square root of the input value, equivalent to floatpower(value, 0.5). |
Tangent | Returns the tangent of the argument. |
This documentation was generated automatically using pawn-docgen written by xPaw for AlliedMods.