DynamicHook.HookGamerules Method

Hook gamerules object.

Game rules hooks are auto-removed on map end. If you need to read the return value of the function, choose a post hook.

int HookGamerules(HookMode mode, DHookCallback callback, DHookRemovalCB removalcb)


HookMode mode

The desired hook mode - pre or post. A pre hook calls your callback BEFORE the original function is called. You can access the parameters, set the return value, and skip the original function. A post hook calls your callback AFTER the original function executed. You can access the parameters and get/set the return value.

DHookCallback callback

Callback function.

DHookRemovalCB removalcb

Optional callback for when the hook is removed.

Return Value

A hookid on success, INVALID_HOOK_ID otherwise.


Invalid setup handle, invalid address, invalid hook type or invalid callback.