SourceMod SDK  1.7
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CSourceMod::cmd_target_info_tHolds the many command target info parameters
 CSourceMod::DatabaseInfoDescribes database connection info
 CSourceMod::HandleAccessThis is used to define per-Handle access rights
 CSourceMod::HandleSecurityThis pair of tokens is used for identification
 CSourceMod::IAdminListenerProvides callbacks for admin cache operations
 CSourceMod::IBaseMenuHigh-level interface for building menus
 CSourceMod::IBasicTrieA hash table data type
 CSourceMod::IClientListenerProvides callbacks for important client events
 CSourceMod::ICommandArgsWrapper around CCommand
 CSourceMod::ICommandTargetProcessorIntercepts a command target operation
 CSourceMod::IDatabaseEncapsulates a database connection
 CSourceMod::IDataReaderSpecifies a data pack that can only be read
 CSourceMod::IDBDriverDescribes an SQL driver
 CSourceMod::IDirectoryDirectory browsing abstraction
 CSourceMod::IEventSignalDescribes a simple "condition variable"/signal lock
 CSourceMod::IExtensionEncapsulates an IExtensionInterface and its dependencies
 CSourceMod::IExtensionInterfaceThe interface an extension must expose
 CSourceMod::IFeatureProviderProvides a capability feature
 CSourceMod::IGameConfigDescribes a game private data config file
 CSourceMod::IGamePlayerAbstracts some Half-Life 2 and SourceMod properties about clients
 CSourceMod::IHandleTypeDispatchHooks type-specific Handle operations
 CSourceMod::IMapTimerInterface for map timers
 CSourceMod::IMenuHandlerContains callbacks for menu actions
 CSourceMod::IMenuPanelSets how a raw menu should be drawn
 CSourceMod::IMenuStyleDescribes a "MenuStyle" system which manages menu drawing and construction
 CSourceMod::IMutexDescribes a simple locking mutex
 CSourceMod::IPhraseFileRepresents a phrase file from SourceMod's "translations" folder
 CSourceMod::IPluginEncapsulates a run-time plugin as maintained by SourceMod
 CSourceMod::IPluginIteratorIterates over a list of plugins
 CSourceMod::IPluginsListenerListens for plugin-oriented events
 CSourceMod::IResultRowRepresents a one database result row
 CSourceMod::IResultSetDescribes a set of database results
 CSourceMod::IRootConsoleCommandHandles a root console menu action
 CSourceMod::IShareSysTracks dependencies and fires dependency listeners
 CSourceMod::ItemDrawInfoInformation about item drawing
 CQueue< T >::iterator
 CSourceMod::ITextListener_INIContains parse events for INI files
 CSourceMod::ITextListener_SMCDescribes the events available for reading an SMC stream
 CSourceMod::IThreadHandles a single thread's execution
 CSourceMod::IThreadCreatorDescribes a thread creator
 CSourceMod::IThreadHandleDescribes a handle to a thread
 CSourceMod::IThreadWorkerCallbacksDescribes thread worker callbacks
 CSourceMod::ITimedEventEvent callbacks for when a timer is executed
 CSourceMod::IUserMessageListenerListens to user messages sent from the server
 CKTrie< K >
 CSourceMod::menu_slots_tPairs an item type with an item menu position
 CSourceMod::menu_states_tDescribes menu display information
 CSourceMod::menu_vote_result_tContains information about a vote result
 CQueue< T >
 CQueue< T >::QueueNode
 CSourceMod::sm_plugininfo_sEncapsulates plugin public information exposed through "myinfo."
 CSourceMod::sm_sendprop_info_tMaps the heirarchy of a SendProp
 CSourceMod::SMCStatesStates for line/column
 CSourceMod::SMInterfaceDefines the base functionality required by a shared interface
 CSourceMod::StringHashMap< T >
 CSourceMod::ThreadParamsThread-specific parameters
 CSourceMod::TranslationContains information about a translation phrase
 CSourceMod::TypeAccessThis is used to define per-type access rights