SourceMod SDK  1.7
sm_trie_tpl.h File Reference

DEPRECATED. This class scales extremely poorly; insertion scales quadratic (O(n^2)) with respect to the number of elements in the table. Only use this class if you have less than 200 elements or so. Otherwise, use StringHashMap in sm_hashtable.h which scales linearly and has comparable retrievable performance. More...

#include <new>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  KTrie< K >


enum  NodeType { Node_Unused = 0, Node_Arc, Node_Term }

Detailed Description

DEPRECATED. This class scales extremely poorly; insertion scales quadratic (O(n^2)) with respect to the number of elements in the table. Only use this class if you have less than 200 elements or so. Otherwise, use StringHashMap in sm_hashtable.h which scales linearly and has comparable retrievable performance.

See bug 5878 for more detail.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum NodeType

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